
Free Rivers

See Free Rivers [8.12.02]

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Welcome to Panorama Tours
As a service of the Freeland Visitors Center in conjunction with the Freeland City Planning Department, we will be providing breathtaking aerial tours of cities throughout the SimWorld. Rides are always FREE, but space is limited so please reserve your seat at least one week in advance.
location: 62 miles northwest of Freeland
population: 231,000
features: Axial design with large park and forest areas threaded by major crosstown boulevard and the juncture of three major rivers. All zones are still developing with plenty of room for growth.
designer: fredfree
If you have a favorite city you would like to see from the air, please contact us so that we may consider adding it to our itinerary at once.
Thank You For Flying With Panorama Tours.

Freeland City Planning Dept

Freeland City Limits